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Writer's pictureStephanie

Honoring the In-Between

Last week, I noticed myself feeling frustrated about where I was on my path. I felt like I was not quite where I wanted to be, yet acknowledged that I am certainly was not where I was. Things felt like they were not moving fast enough.

Yet in the face of feeling as though I was in a rush, I chose to do the opposite- I paused. 

I took deep breaths, I dedicated a lot of time to silent walks in nature, and I took my purple pen to paper to connect with the feelings of frustration and rushing to see what was underneath. I became present with myself, my feelings, and everything around me.

Through this, I realized I was not honoring the transitionary space I was finding myself in. I realized I was not making space for Divine timing. I realized, I was rushing away the now.

This in-between state is sacred. It is our undoing and our unraveling, our rebirth and our emergence. The space between the bud and the bloom. We don't question nature as it goes through its changes of spring, but here we are questioning ourselves.

There is often so much we can learn about ourselves in this space, if we have the courage to look.

The magic of the in-between lies in honoring the present moment and trusting in the timing of our lives. Without being present, we are rushing towards a finish line with our eyes closed- missing the beautiful hills and valleys on the path to our destination. Without trusting in Divine timing, we forget that we are a part of a wider vision, a part of nature, and forget that our own blooming takes time.

We will never experience these moments again. We will never be these versions of ourselves again. Time is sacred, and we owe it to ourselves to be present and enjoy every moment on the journey of becoming. We owe it to ourselves to take our time and trust that what is meant for us will not pass us by.

To honor the transitionary and transformational space of the in-between, I invite you to consider these 5 practices:

1. Connect to gratitude for where you were, where you are now, and where you are going.


Gratitude is one of the most powerful practices we can engage in to shift out of frustration and fear, and into appreciation and peace.

Giving thanks for all that we have and all that we are presences us, shifts our perspective from lack to abundance, and opens us up to appreciate all the things we often overlook or take for granted, especially about ourselves.

Think about where you were just a year ago, and remember the action steps you took to get to where you are now. Find gratitude for that version of yourself who did her best, who did everything to arrive to this now moment, and realize, that you are doing the exact same thing now to get to the next destination.

2. Show up to your life as it is now.

Showing up to our lives as they are now means to be fully present in each moment.

This can look like experiencing joy, tapping into playfulness, honoring our emotions, and committing to being fully alive in every moment.

Whatever this moment is demanding of you now, be with it. Listen to it. Honor it. Bring awareness to how you are feeling, and appreciate all this moment has to offer you. Practices like walking, journaling, dancing, meditation, and taking 3 deep breaths are excellent ways to help you drop out of your mind, into your body, and into how you are feeling- presencing yourself to your life as it is now.

By creating space in your life to be present, you are honoring the in-between by honoring the journey, which is arguably more important than the destination itself.

3. Have faith in the baby steps.

Small action steps each day amount to big leaps and bounds towards our goals. Committing to one thing a day- no matter how big or small- will help us get to where we want to go.

Know that as you continue to show up for yourself and where you want to be, your inner reality shifts, your vibration shifts, and the 3D world catches up to meet you.

If you need a break- take one. If you show up frustrated and act from a space of fear and anxiety, you won't feel fulfilled by that one thing you did and you’ll create a negative narrative around your goal. Show up from a place of love and appreciation that you have the opportunity and courage to create your life.

Honor the in-between by taking action each day, even if that action is rest.

4. Have patience with yourself.

As we say yes to stepping into a new reality, there is often a shedding that needs to occur so we can fully embody the version of ourselves who we get to be in order to become and attract all that we desire. This can be uncomfortable at times, and liberating in others.

Regardless, it takes great courage to make these shifts, to let go, and to chase our dreams. So remember, while it can be uncomfortable as you create your new reality, you are creating a life that means something to you. Create space for yourself to feel and be patient in the face of what might be uncomfortable.

5.  Trust the process. Trust in the timing. Everything is working out exactly as it should.

You are strong, powerful, and hold the creative power of the universe inside your soul. Your desires come from your heart, and are speaking to you about the version of yourself you are meant to become. 

Know that you are supported along your journey by forces seen and unseen, and there is absolutely no way you can fail as long as you believe and trust this.

Honor this transitionary space by trusting in the process. There is so much happening behind the scenes to help you step into this next version of yourself that you cannot see. Trust the timing. You will get there.

HeartSpace Inquiries:

  1. How do you show up for yourself in space of transition?

  2. What are you currently grateful for? List as many things that come to mind. How are they supporting you on your journey right now?

  3. Reflect on a time that you felt like things weren't working out for you, but in hindsight, they were. How can that lesson be applied to the space you are in now?

  4. Create joy on purpose. What is one thing you can do to create joy on purpose to honor the space you are currently in?

I'd love to hear how this resonated with you! Please feel free to comment below, send me a message on instagram, or share this post with your friends!

I love you,


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